Greetings All,

I am pleased to announce that the J35 Class Association membership has unanimouslty approved an updated constitution.

The new updated constitueion has streamlined teh organization by eliminating the Board of Governors and investing the authority into the Executive Committee which is made up of the officers and fleet captains.  We have also added electronic voting, and virtual meetings and virtual attendance at meetings.  By doing this we elimnate the need for proxy voting so that was taken out as well.  All in all a simpler, cleaner and more modern structure that should serve our class well for another generation of J35 sailors. 

Big thank you to Robert Gordenker, Bill Wildner, Dean Fitzpatrick and Kristin Silvio (and anybody else who I may have missed) for the input and assistance in getting this done, and thank you to our members for approving. 

If you have not noticed we are now able to pay our class association dues online vie Pay Pal, Credit Card, Venmo, and various other methods.  At this point we still need you to print off, complete, and scan back to us the form but we hope to have that online as well shortly .

The Website update is in process and we hope to have that completed soon.  This will make the site more user friendly, more adaptable to portable devices (phones, tablets, etc), and easier to edit from an administrative standpoint.   All really good things!

And finally for this post,  We lost a good friend last week .  Ed Bayer, Co Owner of Falcon, a 4 time North American Champion, crossed the bar surrounded by his family.  There will be a celebration of life for Ed in the spring for the many members of the sailing community in and around the Detroit MI area to gather and remember a great sailor and an even better friend.

Fair Winds Eddie!  you will be missed

Larry Taunt


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